
2023年01月08日 02:50 2 2
  • 游客1

    蜘蛛的:建造音效=   - The sleeper awakes! 沉睡者苏醒了!   =选定音效=   - Proceed! 前进!   - Make your choice!请指示!   - You rang? 你在召唤我吗? 地穴恶魔- I await. 待命。   =行动/执行动作音效=   - By Narube!** 以Narube的名义!   - What''s done is done! 奉命行事!   - The time is now! 是时候了!   - Yes, Master! 是,主人!   =骂玩家音效=   - What a tangled web we weave!我们编织的网多么缠绕!   - Spider sense tingling.   - Last week my top half was on the Discovery channel. 上星期我的上半身出现在《探索频道》   - And my bottom half was on Animal Planet. 而下半身出现在《动物星球》   - My ass always gets bloated during my spin cycle! 我吐丝的时候PP都肿起来了!   - I like chicks that are into bandage! 我喜欢绷带绑起来的小鸡(亦指MM,有那个啥的意味哦)   - I''m stuck on bandages, ''cause bandages are stuck on me!* 我被绷带绑住了,因为我绑住了绷带! 地穴恶魔=攻击音效=   - [攻击英雄] Fall before the scourge! 在天罚面前倒下吧! - For the Spider Kingdom! 为了蜘蛛王国!   - Be drained of life! 吸干你的生命!   - You may feel a sting. 可能会有点疼的~ 死骑阿尔塞斯的:阿尔塞斯(死亡骑士)
    “Ah,at last.”(啊,最后······)
    “Frostmourn hungers.”(霜之哀伤需要鲜血)
    “Speak, fool.”(说话呀,你这白痴)
    “This is more like it.”(这样才像那回事)
    “The Lich King has given me true power.”(巫妖王给我的才是真正的力量)
    “I was a fool to trust in the light.”(以前我相信光明真是愚蠢)
    “No one orders me around.”(没人可以对我发号施令)
    “Who is this darkness, anyway?”(你说谁是邪恶者,嗯?)
    “Lordrean shall be reborn.”(洛丹伦将得到重生)
    “I will be twice the King my father ever was.”(父亲的王位终究是我的)
    “You'll feel endless torment!”(你会受到无尽的折磨)
    “Now, Frostmourn!”(现在,凭着霜之哀伤······)
    “I'll make you suffer!”(我会叫你受够罪)
    “Your pain shall be imaginary!”(你的痛苦是可以想象的)

  • 游客2

    UD 死骑The path is sealed!前路被清洗了!
    You call!说!
    I am the Darkness!我是黑暗!
    My patience has ended!我的耐心已经完了!
    As you order!遵命!
    For the Lich King!为了巫妖王!
    By Ner'Zhul! 以巫妖王耐奥祖的名义!